Saturday, July 7, 2012

Confession Time

[in bullet point format, because it's late and I'm not creative enough right now to form mostly-coherent sentences]

-Still reading China Mieville's The Scar, because other books got in the way and I am having problems with the lack of character-development going on in the lead character.

-Also reading Eudora Welty's One Writer's Beginnings, as I am constitutionally incapable of reading one thing at a time.

-Much of what I've read through over the past few months has been for the soul purpose of starting a very specific story that's been bouncing around my skull for the last couple of years, but the more I read, the more terrified of the prospect I actually become.

-I miss writing. A lot. I honestly had no idea how much it would effect my mood to stop, and now it's like I'm a little afraid to start back up again.
(-The best way to start is to start)

-My next posts may or may not be short stories, just to get into the groove of writing, and to make sure I don't abandon my blogspot.

-I've been wanting to delete this post since I first opened the tab, but my weird melancholic brooding has been getting out of hand lately. Anyway, I've always figured that the less I want to post something, the more I should.

-No, that is not always a good idea.

-I've still not gotten the hang of sticking things behind a cut, but since my posts have been pretty short, it's been mostly a moot point.